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Book Study and Potluck Lunch

On Sunday June 23, Church of the Holy Cross will have an extended coffee hour after church, during which we will share a potluck lunch and discuss insights we've gained from the book Living on the Border of the Holy.

The book, by L. William Countryman, is a reflection on the meaning of priesthood, especially how we all serve as priests to one another at different times and in different ways. It is an invitation to each of us to consider how we can help each other engage life more deeply, in wonder and mystery and compassion and service, and so be priests to one another. And when we are all priests, then we can all share in the church's ministry as a team.

We will explore these ideas in conversation after the church service on Sunday the 23rd. All are welcome! It is not required to have read all of the book before the discussion: learning from each other is the most important learning!

Bring a lunch dish to share, and come to the border of the Holy on Sunday June 23!

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